
Tinymediamanager kodi
Tinymediamanager kodi

  1. Tinymediamanager kodi movie#
  2. Tinymediamanager kodi tv#

X Kodi scraper: fix some invalid XML headers +/x moved client key to the scraper settings (and released it for everyone)

Tinymediamanager kodi tv#

+ added media source to the TV show section + added image exporting in the export templates (see or in the wiki)

tinymediamanager kodi

+ bug reports are now solved via GitHub issues

Tinymediamanager kodi movie#

You can use this program to sort your collection, retrieve movie trailers and additional content with minimum effort. The program is able to detect the movie files and retrieve posters and other information form IMDB or other websites. Lock/Unlock by individual movie record or all movie records.Format your movies Title & Title Sort fields to titlecase (per movie or multi-selection batch) by removing any underscores and by proper casing key words.TinyMediaManager is a compact tool designed to scan your movie folders and organize the information into multiple categories. A "Like" filter will display all records with a tag "like" the tag filter, ie: the tag filter "Action" will show records with a tag of "Action/Adventure" or "Action and Adventure"Content-Rating Filter - Filter recordset by the Content-RatingTitle Search Incremental Filter - Filter recordset by matching user typed string on the movie Title, works with any other set filterSearch & Replace movie Genre or Collection Tags, click and select via dropdown boxNew! Lock/Unlock the metadata "Title, Title Sort, Tagline, Summary, Content Rating, Year, Genre Tags, Collection Tags & Movie Poster" fields to prohibit the Plex metadata agents from modifying those fields during a Plex Forced Refresh.

tinymediamanager kodi

» tags:įaster editing than the Plex Media ManagerEdit the movie Title, Title Sort, Title Tag, Content Rating, Year, Summary, Genre & Collection fieldsSort the recordset by Title, Year, Date Added or Content-RatingManage your movies Genre and Collection TagsAssign Tags to MovieUnassign Tags from MovieAdd New TagEdit Existing TagDelete TagDelete All Unassigned TagsCheckbox Genre and Collection Tag selectionMulti-record selection batch processingAssign Genre/Collection TagsUnassign Genre/Collection TagsContent-RatingYearTitlecase ConversionMultiple Filter'sFilter = Tag - Filter recordset by a single Genre or Collection Tag"Like" Filters - Filter recordset by one or more Genre or Collection Tags. Media center applications can pick up those files and import the information to their own internal database. In order to achieve this, EMM stores all data and images in files which are saved next to the media files.

tinymediamanager kodi

EMM can also be used as a standalone movie organizer/cataloger, but the primary aim is to export all the data and images to a format which can then be imported into your favorite media center application. It also automatically extracts media meta data like resolution, codecs, audio and subtitle streams. EMM will scrape movie and TV Show information (plot, cast, genre, studio, mpaa certification, etc) from various sites, together with posters, fanart, actor photos and even movie trailers. It empowers home theater enthusiasts to manage and organize their entire movie and TV Show collections. Ember Media Manager (aka EMM or Ember) is an open source movie and TV Show collections management tool which initially has been created to use with XBMC, but it contains modules for a few media center application, moreover it should virtually support most of the other media center application out there.

Tinymediamanager kodi