
Scythe dancer othercide
Scythe dancer othercide

Figuring out exactly what's going on and where you are is part of the game. Ambiguous Situation: Time and space are a bit warped your "home base," if you can call it that, seems to just be an eldritch void from which the ghost of Mother dispatches her daughters, and you're thrown into this world en media res.Amazon Brigade: You're in command of the Daughters, an entirely female unit with the same genetic base.Better make sure you kill everything on the field or have interrupts ready, or you can expect a world of hurt. Alpha Strike: Burst, in a nutshell- You get an extra 50 action points above the standard 50, but your next turn on the initiative tracker comes in 100, rather than 50, time units later.All of the Other Reindeer: Mother was shunned by others from her village as a child for being a "voidkin".Alas, Poor Villain: Most bosses get a moment of sorrow before they're dispatched, with one of the most poignant belonging to Suffering, surprisingly.Suffering Ah, Memory remembers itself at last. It's also stated that this seems to be common with Chosen ones, and that once bonded with an "Other", the Chosen one ceases to age. Reading through Mother's memories reveals that the player is an "Other", a benevolent spirit from beyond the veil who has bonded with the Mother, and who has been her companion throughout her entire life.Addressing the Player: Mother treats the player like an old companion, though it's not entirely clear what your relationship with her is.

scythe dancer othercide

Apocalypse Maiden: The Child-notably, he's more than willing to go through with it.Can also be invoked by the player by literally summoning new Daughters right before you fight the final boss.The Scytherdancer only joins the battle partway through the third of five bosses, but can then be birthed as normal like all Daughters.It is also a Nintendo Hard Roguelite, with the oppressive power of your foes and painful lack of healing serving to accentuate the surreal, Stark Gothic Punk atmosphere.

Scythe dancer othercide