
Famous bounty hunters
Famous bounty hunters

  1. Famous bounty hunters trial#
  2. Famous bounty hunters series#

Famous bounty hunters series#

In fact, so many people make a living chasing criminals in the future that a cheesy Western-themed TV series (a cross between Bonanza and an interplanetary America's Most Wanted) exists to provide them with intel on known bounty heads. Bounty hunting is the occupation of Jet Black, Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, and about 300,000 folks in the Cowboy Bebop universe.Various motivations have been shown, but a pure mercenary motive has yet to be evident in any of the Warriors. Their job is to kill yoma it's what they do. Blurring the lines of the trope, however, is the fact that while the Warriors do seem to have money (Clare once dumped a huge sum on Raki's lap when she was assigned to fight an Awakened One and Theresa could afford rather fancy clothes for a certain Tagalong Kid), they do not actually seem to want or even need the money. Reasonably, if the Warrior is slain, the Organization does not collect the fee until another Warrior successfully completes the mission. They dispatch a Warrior who slays the yoma and one of the handlers appears later to pick up the money. When a yoma preys on a settlement, the citizens round up money and make a request to the Organization.

famous bounty hunters

  • The Warriors of the Organization in Claymore function a lot like the example of Vampire Hunter D below.
  • Ryo Saeba of City Hunter is stated to have worked as this near the end of his stay in the US.
  • Nadie of El Cazador de la Bruja is nominally a bounty hunter, but her actual job seems to blur the lines between bodyguard, hired gun, and assassin.
  • famous bounty hunters

    There are others, but they're killed within moments of seeing Alka.

  • Hazuki is one in Blade & Soul, and is drawn to the prospect of Alka's 7000 gold bounty Palam put out on her.
  • Train, Sven, and Eve from Black Cat are "sweepers," which are essentially the same thing as bounty hunters.
  • Battle Angel Alita's leading characters Ido and Alita are both bounty hunters, along with half the cast in the early books.
  • Because there is nothing that prevents a Bounty Hunter from taking both legal and shady bounties, this character is usually a Lawful Neutral. Buried deep within their grizzled, world-weary exterior is still an idealist with a heart of gold. More often, though, they are just a working stiff who tries to do the right thing - or something close to it. Sometimes they’re a Glory Seeker who wants to bring down the toughest targets. If that's the case then it is almost guaranteed that they will come in conflict with the heroes either because their head promises the biggest paycheck or because they want to be the one to capture the criminal and won't hesitate to kill and become a criminal over it themself. In that case, the best they can possibly be is a Nominal Hero who may hunt villains and do the right thing for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes the Bounty Hunter is a villain, a sadist who profits off the death and suffering of others and who couldn't care less about justice. The bounty hunter is one of the most diverse roles and depending on their choices (and their employers) they can be anything. Or if this occurs in a fictional setting, obviously. This has almost never been Truth in Television, though that problem can be Hand Waved if the bounty in question is exceptionally dangerous, put out by a criminal, or wanted by a corrupt, tyrannical, or failed state. These kinds of bounty hunters are often called "bounty killers" or, more pejoratively, "assassins" or "headhunters".

    famous bounty hunters

    But other times, especially in Westerns, the bounty hunter's reward is of the "Dead or Alive" variety, and many bounty hunters of the latter type kill their bounties rather than let them Run for the Border.

    Famous bounty hunters trial#

    Sometimes, the bounty hunter captures criminals and brings them back to face trial (which is how real bounty hunters operate nowadays). His line of work often makes him gruff and cynical, if he lives long enough, and in the eyes of some citizens, he may be only slightly better (or worse) than the criminals he hunts. Born of the Old West but found in many other genres since, the bounty hunter makes a living pursuing criminals for the price on their heads.

    Famous bounty hunters